Fashion News:

The irresistible charm of e-commerce

Online shopping is a reality of today, and it has become a norm even if only five years ago it still did not seem a habit. Buying online is now a standard for shopping, and fashion e-commerce sites are increasingly using it to attract consumers looking to make their purchases much easier.

It is curious to note how the life of the online customer changes. Every day everything becomes more digital and smarter. We can now affirm that almost all our daily reality has moved on our mobile phones. Only 3.16% of consumers visit desktop e-commerce sites and 13.71% do it from mobile (from the global use of devices). Italy is the second country in the world in terms of mobile searches after the United States. Despite this, we are used to hearing that most of the online purchases even today are made from desktop than mobile.

Speaking of online advertising, which is undoubtedly one of the most powerful methods for promoting a product, we see that in Italy the most used keywords in ads are "new collection" and "up to". The TOP of the products that brands promote through advertising are watches, shoes, jeans and socks.

A particular growth of the searches is given in the summer, as the most sought after objects in addition to those mentioned above become belts and bikinis, while for the rest of the year they are shirts and dresses.

Another thing to note are the colors of the products that Italians try the most on Google: "red t-shirt", "red shoes", "red dress". The white dress is at the top for global research, in England the best result is, instead, for the black dress. "Red" is the new "white" or is it the favorite color of Italians? It is also curious that Australians are looking especially for ruby-colored shoes and Canadian yellow shoes .... 

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